Thursday, August 30, 2007

What if you believed from the time you were a young child that the world was flat. Everyone knew that the world was flat and it was taught in school, and your parents told you it was so.

Then one day someone comes along and tells you that what you believed all your life is wrong. The world is actually round.

What do you do?

A. Deny it because everyone you know says the world is flat and you believe them.
B. Walk away from what you have been taught all of your life to be the truth, and agree wholeheartedly with him.
C. Find out why he believes that and then draw a conclusion.

If you choose A, well, what do you possibly lose? Not much, you certainly won't lose any friends or family, and what you don't know can't hurt you, right?

If you choose B, you're a fool!

If you choose C, you have an open mind to knowing the truth, but with caution that you could be led astray.

And, if you come to a conclusion that the world is round, well, what will everyone else do?
1. Call you a heretic?
2. Think you are mixed up and have been led astray-that you are a fool?
3. Laugh at you?
4. Condemn you?
5. Consider you certifiable?
6. Ignore you?
7. Debate with you?
8. Try to change your mind?
9. Disown you? or disassociate with you?
10. Etc., etc., etc.

There may be a few who actually listen to what you have to say, and even fewer that will truly believe you.

So, is following the truth an easy road to travel?

Ask those who thought the world was round and lived in a world full of people who absolutely knew that the world was flat.

Ask those who thought the earth revolved around the sun and lived in a world full of people who absolutely knew that the sun revolved around the earth.

I am wandering in a place much like those men of old who thought differently than the world and were persecuted at times. For what? For believing the truth.

I am not yet able to share what I have learned. I want to. I will eventually, but there are some other things that I am facing that I must go through first.

I do know that God is in control-and because of that, I cannot nor will I worry or fear.

By the way, in case you were wondering about the men who thought the world was round. They were right!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Pictures-just because.

Zach in the pool. He's a fish!

Austin settling in for the trip to the cabin.

Isaac and Mikayla at the train museum near the cabin.

Zach and Austin next to them. They were standing under the big wheels loggers used to transport timber back in the day.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

How Do They Do It?

How does anyone keep up with the times anymore these days? I have enough to do all day around my home with four kids. But add to that my two blogs, and a bible forum that I joined, not to mention trying to keep up with everyone on facebook. There aren't enough hours in the day for all of this nonsense!

Here I sit. Ironic isn't it? The internet has some kind of mesmerizing power that sucks you in, even when you know you have a billion other much more important thigs to attend to, four of which are standing behind you saying, "Why are you always on the computer mom?"

To which I reply, "I am not always on the computer!" Well, I'm not, you know. Just too much for their liking I suppose!

I try to get some things done in the morning before I get on to peruse. And then I check throughout the day to see if I have comments or if someone "wrote on my wall".
I also go to the bible forum quite frequently.

I know that I don't have time for it all. I actually waste time on here most days! So, I have decided to lessen my time here. Not necessarily writing on my blogs because those have been helpful tools in my life. But reading others and messing around on facebook-I just can't do it right now! It's not worth my time really!

So, I am off to help my boys clean their room that has been declared a disaster zone for a month-see ya later.

Friday, August 3, 2007

The Story of My Life

We're in the chip aisle at Wal-Mart, all six of us! I hear something behind me, turn around and see a man, average height, rotund, adorned with a mustache, and long, curly hair hanging out from beneath a ball cap. Standing behind our two carts, where my husband and son also stood, he wore an unpleasant expression on his face and my heart sank. It looked as though my husband had said something to him because he too had a look, only more startled than unpleasant. The man pushed passed us and mumbled under his breath, "You need to keep your kids in line."

He kept walking and I stared at him, wondering what we had done that was so terrible and I yelled down the aisle, "Do you even have kids?"

Again he mumbled, avoiding eye contact, "Yeah, and mine know how to behave."

"What, they're perfect? You never had a bad day?"

I was beginning to get angry at this point, and with his back turned to us, while he briskly walked away, he stated smugly, "Just get your free food and get out of here."

Something broke in me. I once again screamed down the aisle, "My husband works very hard for us so we can have what we need!"

He turned the corner and was gone.

I do not know what happened in the next few moments, except that I was a bit shaken and I did not want to shop anymore. Next thing I know my husband had left me alone with the three boys in the chip aisle, and I stood there for a long time with them as my mind whirled. I was mad that he left me because of how I felt, but as I began to venture around the corner I ran in to my husband who again looked a little off.

"I was getting myself in touble."

"What?" I asked.

"I went and asked him what it was we did to upset him."

My husband proceeded to tell me that he asked them to move four times until he finally said "Get the f- out of my way!"

Apparently neither my husband or my son heard him and my daughter who was sitting in one cart was holding on to the other cart so my son was having trouble pushing past them.

I was mad. All those feelings seem to come back when things like this happen. The last time I went to Wally world, my kids were perfect-seriously. Tonight they were a bit roudy, and fidgety, but certainly not horrible. I was hurt. All the guilt flooded my heart once again. I don't do this right. I make so many mistakes. My kids CAN be horrible sometimes.

I wanted out of the store, but knew that we needed to get some groceries. When we decided to go to the store together tonight, I had only planned on spending about $80 but ended up spending $130. I didn't keep track: I just felt like a zombie.

I think I am over it now. I console myself with the thought that a man who treats others the way we were treated could not have had perfect kids! What do you think?