Thursday, August 30, 2007

What if you believed from the time you were a young child that the world was flat. Everyone knew that the world was flat and it was taught in school, and your parents told you it was so.

Then one day someone comes along and tells you that what you believed all your life is wrong. The world is actually round.

What do you do?

A. Deny it because everyone you know says the world is flat and you believe them.
B. Walk away from what you have been taught all of your life to be the truth, and agree wholeheartedly with him.
C. Find out why he believes that and then draw a conclusion.

If you choose A, well, what do you possibly lose? Not much, you certainly won't lose any friends or family, and what you don't know can't hurt you, right?

If you choose B, you're a fool!

If you choose C, you have an open mind to knowing the truth, but with caution that you could be led astray.

And, if you come to a conclusion that the world is round, well, what will everyone else do?
1. Call you a heretic?
2. Think you are mixed up and have been led astray-that you are a fool?
3. Laugh at you?
4. Condemn you?
5. Consider you certifiable?
6. Ignore you?
7. Debate with you?
8. Try to change your mind?
9. Disown you? or disassociate with you?
10. Etc., etc., etc.

There may be a few who actually listen to what you have to say, and even fewer that will truly believe you.

So, is following the truth an easy road to travel?

Ask those who thought the world was round and lived in a world full of people who absolutely knew that the world was flat.

Ask those who thought the earth revolved around the sun and lived in a world full of people who absolutely knew that the sun revolved around the earth.

I am wandering in a place much like those men of old who thought differently than the world and were persecuted at times. For what? For believing the truth.

I am not yet able to share what I have learned. I want to. I will eventually, but there are some other things that I am facing that I must go through first.

I do know that God is in control-and because of that, I cannot nor will I worry or fear.

By the way, in case you were wondering about the men who thought the world was round. They were right!


Ann-Marie said...

I'm eagerly anticipating your findings!

Mrs. Darling said...

Just checking on you. Hope all is well.