Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Fatso Talks

When you stare through a long tunnel-you can't see what is on the other side, you just kind of hope that it is sunny and warm when you get out of it. But tunnels arte not bad-as a matter of fact they get you across or through something, like a mountain or water. The whole idea of dieting has always made me cringe because I do not want to diet-I want to change my habits forever and make them the right habits that I do all the time. I am entering the tunnel. I sure cannot see the other side, but I hope there is a healthier more physically fit me over there. I have been gaining weight in leaps and bounds and I finally reached the breaking point, so I am trying to eat better and I just started exercising today. I have been feeling so sick and fatigued lately-and I want to be done with it. I hope that this tunnel isn't as difficult to go through as I fear it will be, but I am going anyways!! Arie va derci? See you on the other side, maybe.

1 comment:

Carey said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you have a fantastic day!
I would love to hear from you!