Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Two Little Boys

Two little boys, lyin in bed.
Starin at the ceiling, one of em says,

"You be the ssssss, I'll be the pop!"
Imaginary 'crackers zoom to the top

Of the hotel room, in the middle of the night,
little did they know, to mommy's delight.

I could almost see the reds and the blues
light up their faces in soft mingled hues.

Two little boys lyin in bed.
staring at the ceilin, doin' what he said.

One makin' "ssssss" sounds, the other little "pops"
Imaginary 'crackers zoomin' to the top!


Cup of Joe with three sugars said...

Beth, did you write this? So sweet!

Ann with an E said...

Yes. It happened when Isaac and Zach were probably about five and three. It was so cute. It was around July fourth and Isaac has always LOVED fireworks. He and Zach did everything together back then and Zachy just followed his lead. Too cute, huh? :)

Deb said...

She's back...

Cup of Joe with three sugars said...

Such a gift, Beth! Thanks for sharing.Hugs!