Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Comedy and Tragedy!

Is this comedy enough for you? He'll kill me when he is fifteen!
Don't tell him. Then again, he DID let me take the picture, and he thought it was hilarious.

And now the tragedy...

Why the sunglasses?

Can you see it???


The Big Bad Ugly Black Eye!!

This picture doesn't even do it justice!!!!!
Isaac was riding his bike, did a wheely, and the bike went backwards on top of him and pounded him in the eye. I was worried about the bone under his eye, but it was okay, thank the Lord. He is healing nicely, and the bruise is turning green, but the swelling is gone. Poor guy-everyone wants to know what happened. His answer, "I fought the bike, and the bike won!"


Carey said...

I hope hes doing better today!
How was your Easter?

Cup of Joe with three sugars said...

I just finished my post about Julia's eye, and then I see your blog updated....and theres Isaac's black eye! OMG, these kids will be the death of us for sure! lol Glad hes ok. :o)

a joyful nusiance said...

Poor Isaac. I do have to say better him then me. :) That just looks like it hurts!!!

And OH MY WORD!!! If Austin won't kill you Brad sure will!! That is hilarious!!

a joyful nusiance said...
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Ann-Marie said...

Ouchie! Poor kid - that must have hurt.

mom2mine said...

I love HIS Outfit. He must make daddy so proud.

Oh, and it takes anincredible mom to parent three active boys! You handle the dress and teh eye so well!