Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Spring Is In the Air!!

I really want to get my camara going again. Today was a beautiful day for a bike ride-so we went for a ride to the park, but I have no pictures, because I am slowly getting pics developed, and deleting things off of my camera. I Have gotten so backed up on there, but hopefully I can get it where I want it.

I savored the sun today, and I drank the air. I absolutely love spring. I love dropping everything I am doing and taking my kids on a trip through the neighborhood on our bikes, or a walk to the park to play. I would rather do that any day than clean or work around the house wouldn't you?

I really enjoy my kids. I always have, but we had a rough patch for a very long time with lots of anger, fighting, disrespect, and unpleasant experiences. Despite that, I look at my kids, and their abilities and I marvel at what God is doing in these children He has given me. They are growing up, and it hits me hard sometimes when I look at my seven year old and see this big boy who used to be my little guy. Even sissy who is only six amazez me. She is always lending mom a hand just because she wants to-and I love it!

My ten year old will be eleven in a week. He is such a young man, and I am so proud of him!!The hands on the clock just move too fast!! Zach is nine, and even though he has always been so immature for his age, he is learning. He has got such a big heart, and he's hilarious!

Our family is changing. The dynamic is changing. All my children can read now, and ride bikes, and play games that adults play. It's a new world for us. It's actually a pretty fun world. We laugh alot and we can joke with each other.

The Lord has really been helping me to look at my children in a different way than I used to. They can be anything that God wants them to be. I tend to worry about every little thing that they do wrong-DON'T do it!! They are going to mess up ALOT. Kids just do. I have been learning to give them room to fail and learn from their mistakes. That can be hard, but especially as they get older, they have to learn the natural consequences that come from bad choices. Of course some of those consequences are a result of the discipline mom and dad have to issue, but it's a consequence nonetheless.

My prayer is that my joy remains. I love having my kids home for spring break and I wish I could handle homeschooling all of them. I love to listen to them play, and watch them when they are creating or imagining. It's busy of course, from the time we all get up, till bedtime-there is always something to do, whether its chores, schoolwork, playing, or helping mom-we are busy. But it was a good busy today!

God is good. Through it all-He is just good. I pray that my kids learn this and understand that no matter what happens in our lives, for better or worse, God is just so good. And He is in it all.


a joyful nusiance said...

My heart lept when I read this post. God is good! I am so glad that he is answering prayers!!

Carey said...

Life sure is different when you move away from the baby stage of life. No more diapers, baby bags, etc. Its alot easier to just pack up and do the things we want on a the bike rides, or trips to the store even.
Praying for you as you enjoy this new season in life. Enjoy every moment of it. Its my prayer as well, as I learn to embrace the good with the bad. Its amazing how my thoughts and feeling, sound so much like yours. So thank you for sharing them.
I hope you and your family have a very blessed Easter season.
God is good!

Carey said...

Life sure is different when you move away from the baby stage of life. No more diapers, baby bags, etc. Its alot easier to just pack up and do the things we want on a the bike rides, or trips to the store even.
Praying for you as you enjoy this new season in life. Enjoy every moment of it. Its my prayer as well, as I learn to embrace the good with the bad. Its amazing how my thoughts and feeling, sound so much like yours. So thank you for sharing them.
I hope you and your family have a very blessed Easter season.
God is good!