Monday, April 6, 2009

God does Amazing Things!

Today was a day of remembering. Brad and I took Zachary to his psych evaluation this morning with Dr. Hoffman. As we drove down to Rockford, I just kept thinking that I know that Zachary is all healed or mostly. He has been doing so well and come so far-no one would ever know that he was in a coma 5 months earlier.

When we got to the office, we met the Dr. right away, and I knew that Zach was being tested but after being in her office for about twenty minutes she said his tests would take most of the day. Zachary's jaw dropped-he was not excited about this turn of events, but he adjusted and went with it. I felt so bad because I was not able to prepare him for this since I had not realized it would take so long.

At the end of the office discussion, we walked out into the hallway. I said my good-byes to Zach and encouraged him to do his best, assuring him it would turn out fine. I watched him walk down the long hallway and was a little bit anxious-not worried, just thinking about how he would do. Deep down I felt peace, knowing he would do well.

I was right! At the end of the day, Zachary was either average or above average and even superior in some areas. There was only one minor area to work on and it had to do with his handwriting fine motor skills.

My heart immediately acknowledged the fact that the very night the accident happened, the phones were ringing and people were praying for our family, and for the Swanson family. Zach's life was in the hands of God and everyone was praying that he'd make it and be okay. And God said yes. Not only did God bring Zach back to us, but He healed him rather quickly compared to many others who suffer the same kind of injury. I do believe that the Dr. was pleasantly surprised that Zachary had come so far in such a short time. She made me understand the miracle that our son was, and I praise God for what he has done.


Cup of Joe with three sugars said...

So great! To God be the glory!!

a joyful nusiance said...

That is awesome!!!

Carey said...

God is good! Thanks for the update on Zach. Ive been praying for him faithfully. Im glad to hear all is going well with him.