Saturday, April 4, 2009


I wish I could get the words in my head to stop swirling like a tornado and obey me. They are very disobedient little creatures. All I ask is that they line up nicely in a single file line on the screen as I type them, but they are very stubborn. They don't want to come out of my head. I think they are having too much fun driving me mad. I have had this problem before, and I just have to wait until some swell of emotion washes them from my brain down through my fingertips and onto the keyboard. Bear with me. My thoughts are experiencing technical difficulties! And the time it takes to force them out just isn't abundant at the moment. So instead, you get to enjoy the blabber that is rolling off my fingertips at lightning speed. And sorry, no pictures either. I know, bummer, huh? Sorry to dissapoint! All two of you. Hee hee.

God is just awesome-why can't I always see that??


Carey said...

IT doesn't matter what you write! I enjoy your writings. I miss you, and think of you often! I hope all is well.

a joyful nusiance said...


Cup of Joe with three sugars said...

Beth, can you email me your addy so that I can send you an invite to my blogger? I closed it to private, but I still want you to check in when ya get a chance. :o) I think I deleted your old email cuz you were w/o a computer for awhile. Hope all is well. Sending Easter blessings and hugs your way. Love ya!

mom2mine said...

I totally understand. I feel the same way so often.

It is so good to see you blogging again!

BBat50 said...

"All two of you". Counting me, you have four people commenting on this post.

If the rule of thumb that only one of a hundred people comments, you might have quite a following.....