Monday, April 20, 2009

The middle of the night, AGAIN!

Life has been so busy. And even though it has been a good busy, it makes me crazy to be so busy. Maybe partly because I have a little bit of trouble with organization in my life. See, I went to bed a long time ago, but here I am at my computer, trying to make myself sleepy. I was lying in bed, and my body was completely obedient about going to sleep, but my brain was not. Too many thoughts about all the things I have to remember to keep track of this week. So I finally decided to come downstairs and write it all down-alot of it was already on the calendar, but I double checked and added some things here and there.

What do you do to remember? One of the biggest devices of terror in my life is my forgetfulness. Yes I said terror. I have forgotten important things SO many times, and you know that big lump you get in your throat and wave of nausea that comes over you when you are nervous? That's how I feel when I forget something. I feel sorry for those who get to put up with me.

But seriously-I know I am not the only one who forgets-so-How do YOU remember things? Got any great ideas? Maybe it is just hard work that does it-making a lot of conscious effort to remember the important things-not just important to me, but also what's important to others.

I have been trying harder, but I still forget. And to those of you that may have suffered from MY forgetfulness, it is with deepest sincerity that I say, "I'm sorry!". And now I must bid you farewell. My brain is beginning to agree with my body, thank goodness!


Cup of Joe with three sugars said...

Julia keeps me on my toes! lol And I have the calendar with the big pockets. I put all my bills, invitations, doctor reminders, everything in there to help me keep it all together. But still, my best reminder is Julia. :o)

Carey said...

Ive got one calendar on the wall, on in my purse, and im always checking and rechecking them to make sure they match.

Ann-Marie said...

I agree - my calendar is essential to my remembering anything. Although, I find pregnancy has made me a major scatterbrain! :-)