Friday, March 6, 2009

Experiencing Technical Difficulties.

My computer won't work. And even though I have a laptop, it will not work with my present modem, so here I am sitting at the library as usual, only I am using my laptop with their wireless service. I can't help but find the humor in it all!!

Hopefully we can figure out the problem with our home computer and get wireless service at home so I can use my laptop at home.

My husband bought me the laptop for valentines day and I was utterly and completely surprised. Thank you Babe!!

I am so thankful for my family. I admit we are rough around the edges, but every day is a new day. For the last three days, Zach has been home sick, and we have all enjoyed each other. Yesterday, Zach and Austin made all these paper airplanes and played airport and flew them around the house. It was so neat to watch them play. I miss that. When I homeschooled all of them, it was so hard for me, I was not well, and the kids fought so much. But when the boys played together and imagined and created and enjoyed each other, it made my heart sing. I loved to listen to there chatter about airplanes and how they fly, or where exactly to place the army guys. I got to see that again yesterday, and I rejoiced. I miss having them all home, but God had other plans and I know they are where they should be at this time.

I must go for now. Thanks for stopping by-all two of you>chuckle<.


a joyful nusiance said...

There is a song by Sara Groves that you should listen to, it's called, It feels like Hope. It reminds me of you right now in your life! Anyway, it's a great song.

Cup of Joe with three sugars said...

Ya need to have Joe come over and fix everything (computer situation). He is a pro in that department. Thanks for your message. I always love hearing from you. Joe and I went to CCA last week to interview with the administrator. We are praying about enrolling Julia. Wow, it was wild being there after 17 years!!! We are getting so old! lol Brought back alot of fun memories... so many involving you, of course! Tell ya more about it later. Love ya!