Sunday, March 1, 2009

Ingeniously Dangerous

If you ever want to laugh out loud, if you ever want to laugh until your sides burst open, do the following. Get some big old t-shirts and some baggie pants, put them on your kids, stuff them full of blankets and pillows and let your kids wrestle, run into each other, and pile on top of each other. We call it "sumo night". Here ar some pictures of our hysterically funny evening. I will caution you-you need lots of space, and you need to watch carefully so no one gets hurt. Here goes...

Austin looking tough.

Zachary sitting, and Mikayla trying to.

Isaac looking cool.

Mikayla was the funniest-she just made me laugh and laugh. She would fall down, or sit down, and she couln't get up. Then she would just start giggling because she was stuck.

The boys were hamming it up for me-it was sooo much fun. But it was dangerous. Not something we do every day. But once in a while it's wonderful for a night full of laughter and fun!! Five stars for Sumo night!~


a joyful nusiance said...

Sumo night huh?!?! We will have to try that!

I missed you at church today!

Deb said...

As we speak Ian is stuffing his shirt and pants. Thanks for the sumo pics. :)

Anonymous said...

Terrific, that' s exactly what I was seeking for! You just spared me alot of work

Anonymous said...

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